Personal facts

I was born in 1984, I am married and I have one kid.

I love reading, watching movies, going to music festival, travelling, hiking and spending time with my family and friends.

I currently live in Paris.



Nomination is the leading provider for qualified contact information in France. We develop a wide range of products and services around our data, including data quality and CRM data curation, sales and marketing intelligence, tailored lead generation.

Keywords : Team and project management, infrastructure, code, product design, SEO, email marketing, cloud, PHP, node, angular, Scrum.

Web developer

@GP is a provider of webEDI services.

Keywords : code, PHP, js, digital invoicing, digital signature.

Web developer

The Office National des ForĂȘts (National Forest Agency) if the french agency in charge of protecting, developing, and managing public forests in France. It has also the mission of promoting public awareness on the environment. Amongst its operational missions, the Agency is in charge of chopping trees and selling wood.

Keywords : code, architecture, ajax, PHP, js, CRM.